Thursday, January 20, 2011

How's This For a Laugh...

Just a quick post to say hi and to make sure nobody’s tripped over a brick (unfortunately I am talking from recent experience) or anything.

I would like to point out that I cannot draw to save my life, a fact that my art teacher doesn’t seem to understand. He also doesn’t seem to understand that I am more than willing to do any other activity that falls under the word “art”(eg. Acting, dancing, painting etc.) except drawing as I am utterly and completely useless at it, So the other day he gave us a task: to do a pencil sketch of anything we wish. Naturally I chose the easiest possible thing to draw, which would be the fountain outside of my house. It’s square with two holes in the middle, easy peasy.

This is about as far as my drawing talent spans.
 Now, let me tell you I spent AGES on that drawing, trying to make it all pretty-like, and when I handed it in this morning my oh-so sensitive teacher informs me that it looked like a washing machine on a bench… Charming, isn’t it? Aah well, he won’t be laughing so much when I actually CHOOSE to draw a washing machine - I'm rather scared to think about what he would think it is then…

Ok, I'm not going to say it's good, but anyone can see that it isn't a washing machine...

On a more serious note, I think I’m coming down with a cold (sniff sniff). When my friend’s mother’s aunt’s cousin’s gran (or something) heard about this she suggested that I smear mashed banana on my neck and chest, as it will allow some parts in my nose to ‘breath’. I politely informed her that it was very thoughtful of her to share her advice but there was no way in hell that I was smearing any form of fruit or vegetable on my chest or anywhere else, and that was that.

Anyway, let me get back to my homework and all that sad stuff. But before I go, I would like to enlighten thee with a very wise quote which I use regularly at least once a week: If you can’t convince them confuse them.--Harry s. Truman

Tee hee