Saturday, January 29, 2011


If, in future I am not mistaken, yesterday has got to have been one of the most hilariously funny days of my life.

I have/had this friend, let's call her SB (spoiled bratt). Judging by her nickname you have probably figured out that this person is not a very nice character to be around, unless you like kissing self-centered, blind bitches' asses.

Anyway, we've had a whole history of fighting because she doesn't give a damn about anyone else but herself,  (a real meanie) and my grade knows it. Let's just say SB isn't the most popular soul in our grade, in fact, most of them hate her... She's just to blind to see it.

So, on a perfectly ordinary day, (yesterday) SB was being her imperfectly annoying self, and for some reason, when we were in Maths class (the joy of my life) a few people started telling SB exactly where to get off... And it was not pretty to hear, let me tell you. They were staying stuff such as "You don't care about her (me), you're just using her (again, me). And "You're such a bad friend" and so on. So of course, SB does the one thing she's been renowned to do - although none of us actually expected it. She stood up, called them F***en  bitches and stormed out the classroom. How nice.

I'm sure she didn't get the reaction she was looking for though, as we all basically fell over laughing. Somebody screamed: "HOOORRRRN!".... Well, you got me there, i have no clue why they did it, but that made us split our sides from laughing so much.

(A note for those of the Dim variety: there was no teacher in the class in case you didn't figure that one out.)

Now, actually, it's at times like these that I find the need to question what exactly goes through people like SB's minds, that suddenly give them the right to call people very meanie names and storm out the class. You aren't helping yourself very much, let me tell you. People actually hate her even more now... And those few weeds that think the sun shines out of her ass are just as wet and dim as she is.

I haven't seen SB since then, we couldn't find her at break, hopefully she'd gotten back into her chariot and rode to Greece or somewhere far.. far away from here. Meh, what are the odds? We'll probably see her first thing tomorrow and she'll burst into tears and tell us that everyone hates her and how hard her life is. Ooi, she is one of the key ingredients to a "burn" in your life.

Ahh, well, at least we got a show yesterday... And i'd just like to add that i LOVE my class.